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Infrared Hydration Station


Infrared Ozone Sauna is a tool designed with every patient in mind. From those who are looking to maintain and increase their vitality and health, to those who are facing a chronic illness. 

 Infrared Ozone Sauna offers a combination of benefits. 


Reported Benefits:

  • Boosts Immune System

  • Inactivates Viruses, Bacteria, Yeast, Fungi, Parasites

  • Assists Natural Healing

  • Removes Toxins & Free Radicals

  • Cleans Arteries and Veins

  • Improves Circulation


Infrared Ozone Sauna Work?

  • Reduces Inflammation

  • Normalizes Hormone and Enzyme Production

  • Improves Brain Function

  • Relieves Pain, Calm Nerves

  • Helps Weight Loss


Infrared Ozone Sauna Quick Facts:

  • Each session is 25-30 minutes long.

  • For the first 3-8 minutes of your session, carbonic acid (CA) and steam moisten the skin and enter through pores into the lymph system. CA is one of the few compounds that increases the uptake and delivery of oxygen at the cellular level.

  • Blood vessels and capillaries dilate, increasing blood circulation up to 25%.
    After the CA cycle completes, the ozone cycle begins. When ozone reacts with the water from the steam, it creates H202 which aids in destroying bacterial and yeast/fungal infections.

  • At the end of the session, all ozone and oxygen steam is extracted into the ozone destructor and the session ends!


Hydration Station incorporates Hydro fusion™, a proprietary combination of topical radiant heat with LED color technology, and a vibratory bed in an advanced capsule. This powerful combination leaves skin looking soft, supple and radiantly beautiful!


Moisturized skin tans more evenly and deeper than dry, scaly skin. The Hydration Station uses infrared heat and radiant heat and a mineral bath with oxygen science concentrates which includes aloe, coenzyme, vitamin a, c and e, and chromo light therapy.​



  • 20 Minutes - $35.00

  • 30 Minutes - $40.00

  • 4 Treatments - $60.00

  • Smooth and Slim Monthly Program - 10 Sessions In A Month - $100

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